Some may remember this from the 1970s but it’s come around again! Lovely work by university student Cerys Bussey, (who has also sent in some of her nature photography).
Sharing artists/makers' work here and in Minecraft Wisbech!
Some may remember this from the 1970s but it’s come around again! Lovely work by university student Cerys Bussey, (who has also sent in some of her nature photography).
Local Student Cerys is studying at Sheffield Hallam University but like many young people, she came home during lockdown. She has submitted three sets of her work to us, here’s a sample of her photography, she also does Macrame (see the Textiles section) These three …
A young lady of 7 has sent in her lovely mosaics! After creating them, she shared then with family and friends. These took some time and concentration, designing each one as well as making it. Thankyou Judith, they’re beautiful!
Our young artist (see our Young People pages) has taken up photography, reading books and learning about DSLR cameras. WE think she’s got a good eye for this! (“Grass” repeated below so you can click and see it full size!)
Olivia lives in Wisbech and enjoys anime drawing in particular. She’s going to College to do 3D Art and Graphics.