Vivien House

A Linocut printmaker from Ramsey, Vivien has been inspired by Fenland Fauna (and a beautiful Giraffe!) and has produced these during lockdown.
Featured Image:
Pheasant hand coloured Linoprint
“I love the vibrancy watercolour brings to this handsome fellow.”
Vivien tells us:
“I am a Linocut printmaker from Ramsey Cambridgeshire. I take my inspiration from nature, I especially enjoy carving birds from the fenland landscape. I have found printing a welcome focus and distraction during lockdown. I love the crispness the media offers and combining this with the introduction of colour through hand colouring with watercolours and printing on marbled papers brings another dimension to the subjects.
I am excited to see where each new lino takes me. I have an idea in mind of the final look but I also let them evolve as I carve.”