David Wright – Harpsichordist

David has lived in Wisbech for many years, when not travelling and playing as an internationally renowned Harpsichordist.

We have recorded some videos about his work, how he got started, and how he is adapting to the pandemic. We hope they will inspire you to think about different routes into the arts and that there are opportunities for everyone, no matter what your background. Find something you love, and work hard to make it your career!

An introduction to David and his early career:
David tells us about his reaction to lockdown and the effects it is having on him and musicians worldwide.
Explaining what else he has been working on:
Harpsichordists don’t just play!
As pieces of art in the home as well as instruments, Harpsichords often had paintings inside them:
David explains the difference between a piano and a harpsichord:
Here’s a taste of his music:
Some photographs from David’s home, which has Harpsichords everywhere!