When this website started, it was to support the artists and makers who contributed to the changing space in the Horsefair Shopping Centre – which became Burger King! It was to show all kinds of artists and makers, and give the public an everchanging window of interesting art to enjoy and comment on.
It was a collaborative project, enjoyed by all.
It is now archived here.
(click on the “Horsefair Art Space” menu link above to find pages on the artists)
Here is the original welcome page:
Wisbech Art Space is a new project by Red Barn Creative with the support of the Horsefair Shopping Centre.
A “movable feast” of artworks will be displayed in an empty shop’s window for as long as we can! A number of artists, all from the area, are lined up to take their turn showing their work to the local Wisbech people and visitors. It is to show local art to local people, and to show that there are plenty of great local artists in the area.
Art and crafts are important to do and see; there are places to do and see both in the town and this is to be celebrated, countering any negativity that is often seen in the media.
If any local galleries, community spaces or businesses would like to display art, they are welcome to get in touch to find local arts and crafts people from the Art Space.
It would be great to have a steady stream of local artists/makers displaying their work in various locations around the town, so get in touch if you are, or if you know, a local artist/maker who would be interested in showing their work – especially unusual, quirky artworks that shout out to the passers-by!